This new website has been created to honor Rosella’s wish that these mandalas be shared with the world. Excerpts from her original website are below, with the intent to honor her voice and journey. She was born and lived in the UK all her life. Those of you who live outside of the UK will notice the Queen’s English throughout this website with some American woven in. This website will evolve!
Rosella’s Journey
Gratitude to Dan at SoulAware for this interview, his curiosity in Rosella’s work and keeping her eternally here with us mortals.
The Journey Began with Healing
“Having worked in musical theatre, with singing being an important part of my life, I became fascinated by using sound for healing. For several years, I explored how sound affected the body by exploring tuning forks, singing bowls and experimented with Indian Raga, a classical Indian Musical tradition and Mongolian over tones. For a while, I sang with a jazz/gospel choir. During this time, I realised the power of the voice for healing and I qualified as a Sound Healer in 2004.
Despite my singing experience, I am using sound as a vibration for healing, with my voice and body being the instrument. I believe that using my intuition and a positive intent, is key to the sound healing experience. Sound can be a powerful medium for self-healing through the experience of giving and receiving of sound.”
(Rosella subsequently led workshops called “Exploring Sound” . These were for beginners, not from a signing perspective but exploring sound as a vibration, creating an up-lifting and joyful experience.)
Inspirational Writing
“I have always considered healing to be a gift and a vocation and when I began to receive inspirational words clairaudiently it seemed a confirmation of my spiritual path.
The Little Healing Book began life as a request for some of my inspirational writing and my first inspirational greeting cards began as hand made cards that I later had printed. This little healing book has been written to support you, or someone you know, who is undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It was written, as a special request, specifically for someone experiencing such treatments. Since 2006 the mandalas have initiated my inspirational writing, whether it is for a large mandala or for a personalised affirmation mandala, the writing flows.
Examples of my writing can be found in the 1999 Poetry Church Anthology, published by Arthur James.”
(Her inspirational writing took many forms on paper, some of which were … her “Mandala Toolbox” booklet; gifts of little handwritten, ‘doodle’ adorned books with her wise words written specifically for the recipient; her “Word Power” and “Mind Power” card decks with inspirational writing and doodles on each and every one of them, presented in little boxes she painted herself; her lovely epic letters to friends on various sized bits of paper, which always had thoughtful, positive messages embedded throughout while mentioning her delight in the latest nibble she had eaten, lecture she had heard, exhibition she had seen, and the interesting people she had met while working her travel jobs!)
How the Mandalas Evolved
“In 2005 the mandalas arrived as a psychic bombardment. At this time, whilst, giving sound healing, I began to experience an overwhelming compulsion to draw a picture with words for my clients. Eventually, the compulsion became too strong to ignore and I created my first personalised affirmation mandala, which resulted in a commission and as more people saw them, I received more commissions.
All of the early personalised affirmation mandalas were very simple, with around 8 affirmations written on the mandala and a piece of guidance writing on the side on an A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper. Some of these personalised mandalas had such powerful energy that I felt the need to make a much larger piece of art for myself. These larger pieces became more intricate and carried similar affirmations.
Once I have an inspiration for a new mandala, personalised or not, I sketch it a few times in a note book until I understand how to construct it. Each mandala is measured very carefully to create an underlying balance, this can be a lengthy process. The mandala itself dictates the colours on a 'need to know' basis. This means it is rare for a mandala to be painted from the centre outwards or from the rim inwards - I paint where the colour needs to go, when the mandala speaks. During this process I may also be receiving information about the meaning of the mandala and this often continues once I take time to meditate on the mandala. Each mandala is drawn on heavy water colour paper and is then painted in iridescent water colours. The standard size is 56 x 56 cm and can take up to a month to complete.
When commissioned for a personalised affirmation mandala, I require no information, except the name of the person which I meditate on for several days. Once the symbols become clear and have not changed, I will make several sketches and once the drawing settles, I will begin to paint the mandala. During this whole process, I am receiving affirmations, key words and words of guidance which I type out separately and send with the mandala. To obtain the most benefit from your mandala keep it visible at all times and read the affirmations daily. The mandala is a toolbox for the journey of transformation and self-empowerment.”
(Rosella’s larger mandalas, which in the past have been available for purchase as smaller prints (and universe willing, again very soon!), are also delivered with a piece of inspirational writing and affirmations. These mandalas were also printed as greeting cards and if you happen to be in the UK are still available for purchase at Buddha on a Bicycle, Covent Garden, London.)
Mandala Readings
“I have created and painted a set of affirmation mandalas. These mandalas were turned into small cards and are used to give personal guidance readings. The mandalas I create all have messages and meanings on them, which I receive as I paint them or, by meditating on the finished mandala. I believe the messages are a toolbox for our journey of self empowerment.
These insightful messages resulted in the creation of a Mandala Oracle card set of 44 cards, which I use to give life guidance readings. My readings highlight re-occurring patterns and the challenges you may be working with right now. The mandala cards draw attention to the gifts and talents that you possess. Within the reading you will receive positive affirmations relating to the cards you have selected to support your journey of transformation and self-empowerment.”
(The Mandala Oracle deck was printed in limited quantities and may eventually become available in the future.)
Mandalas for Meditation
“Mandalas can be used as a visual aid for meditation and as focus for opening to the intuition. The eyes are open and the focus is on the mandala. Working with the mandala as a meditative tool, helps you to focus your attention so that you may feel the energy of a mandala. The mandala is a pathway to unlocking and connecting to your own intuition. Another way to meditate with a mandala is to focus on the message and the chakra that the mandala symbolises.
I have also chosen mandalas that relate specifically to each chakra, by keeping your eyes open, you connect to the positive message of the mandala and have a visual focus for your mind. Using the sound of your voice is a form of self healing and another tool for stilling the mind. Bringing the two together is a new and unique way of experiencing these powerful mandalas.”
Mandala Workshops and Talks
Rosella gave workshops and talks in many towns in the United Kingdom and in the United States, primarily on the west coast and in the Southwest. She created a workshop to help people create their own mandala. Rosella began with a creative visualisation, guiding the participants to their own personal symbols. Then, step-by-step, she showed how to design and draw the mandala with these symbols. If you feel inspired to create your own mandala, click here to listen to one of her creative visualizations to find your symbols.
“Once the mandala is complete, we spend time sharing and interpreting the mandala and discovering the unexpected messages that it reveals. The creation of a unique, personal mandala with colour and symbols can be used as an affirmation tool to move you forward in life and map the changes you desire.”
Rosella also shared her experience of working with her mandalas and what she learnt from them in her talk “Magic of the Mandalas”.
“In this talk, we will look at the various messages and meanings of the mandalas: how the mandalas can help us link to our own intuition and how to interpret a mandala, the power of positive intent and how it is possible to escape from old belief patterns by seeing the key messages upon the mandalas. We will experiment a little with the effect of sound on the mandalas. Sound activates movement in the body so it is possible to change a pattern by working with sound. No singing experience necessary! I will discuss the essence of the mandalas and how they developed into a set of Mandala Oracle Cards that I use to give life guidance readings. I usually close with a short meditation using one of the mandalas as a visual focus. There will be time spent for questions and answers and you will be able to pick a mandala card and receive its message.”
A celebration of Rosella’s life can be found here.